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Full garden design package

The full design package is suitable for someone who wishes to redesign part or all of their outdoor space. This redesign can include hard and soft landscaping, garden buildings, lighting and other features. Prices start from £1100

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Step 1

We come and visit you in the garden and have a chat about what you would like to achieve. We preform a detailed site analysis and carry out an accurate survey. These works include soils tests, moisture tests, sun and shade calculations, all of which will help us decide what's the best course of action.

Step 2

Now we have an accurate basis for the project we will go away and create a detailed drawn survey and a selection of mood boards detailing differing garden styles, soft and hard landscaping, lighting and other features. The survey will detail any existing features that are to remain. Once we've had further discussions around the mood boards we will have a clear understanding of what you like and what you want to achieve. 

 Step 3

We can now begin designing your outdoor space! The process includes a scale, coloured design drawing, a black-and-white master layout plan with technical details, and a 3D concept visual for better clarity. We will also research plants for a labelled planting plan, accompanied by another 3D visual or photo montage. A plant schedule with costs will be provided. Once complete, you can proceed with a landscaper, and we’re happy to recommend a trusted contractor.

*Important to note: Sometimes we will ask you to hire an independent survey company if this site is very large or the topography requires it. We are happy to recommend. The indicative costs in the preliminary costings are as accurate as we can manage at the time of asking and may go up or down. If you would like us to lay out the plants an hourly rate of £35 is applied.  

Why not explore our other consultation and planting plan packages.
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